Simi Stove Cooking Gel is Ethanol based. When compared to solid fuels, Ethanol is by far the cleanest burning. It does not produce toxic fumes, soot or smoke and produces zero greenhouse emissions.
For ease of transport and safety in use, we make our fuel
into a gel. This requires adding a thickening agent and
water to the Ethanol. This can reduce the heating level of
Ethanol, but by maintaining a high percentage of Ethanol
to water (85%) and by designing the stove to specifically
burn Ethanol, we overcome this problem.
Our patented stove design has enabled us to reach twice
the average efficiency of all clean cook stoves tested;
67.3% compared to an industry average of 36%.
It can boil a litre of water in under 10 minutes making
Simi Stove, when used with our Simi Stove Cooking Gel, the
only high-volume Ethanol cook stove on the market today.
Ethanol is Alcohol and could conceivably be ingested. To counter this, we add a substance called Bitrex.
It is one of the most bitter substances known to man and will deter anyone from attempting to drink our fuel.
One other additive we use is Citronella which helps keep insects at bay during the cooking process.
The addition of these two substances, Bitrex and Citronella, does not alter the effectiveness of the fuel.
Comparative Analysis of Cooking Fuels
Life Cycle Environment Impacts and Economic and
Social Considerations
Calorific Value - Ethanol Gel vs Liquid
Life Cycle Environment Impacts and Economic and
Social Considerations
​The Advantages of Simi Stove Cooking Gel
Consists of renewable primary products
Very clean combustion with negligible emissions and no soot
Can safely be used indoors; eliminates Household Air Pollution (HAP)
Heat available instantly after ignition
Can extinguish and relight fuel during cooking
Provides a safe alternative to LPG when not pressurised
Can be produced from a variety of feed-stocks, when grown from sustainably harvested feed-stocks, and is a renewable fuel.
Intrinsically cheap
The development of alternative feed-stocks, more applicable to local conditions, has the potential to improve yields, farmer income and food security